Would you like a Party? Please visit the Book a Party Page for details.
i look forward to serving you - Cheers, Shevonne



ABN: 16106259712


Privacy & Disclaimer

Day Spa Parties is committed to protecting your privacy and any personal information provided to us.

You can feel confident when ordering from Day Spa Parties that we use best practices to ensure your personal information is secure and that the administration of your payments is done in a professional, responsible manner.

To enable us to provide our services to you, we need to collect personal information from you - usually your name, phone number, email and address. Your personal information to others is never released to direct marketers or other websites.

If you would like further information on our privacy policy or if you have any concerns over the privacy protection of the information you have given us or that we have collected from others, please contact by phone on 0448 743 847.

Prices advertised on this site may be adjusted at any time at the discretion of Day Spa Parties. Costumes, favour bags and other items included in the party packages advertised on this site may vary from time to time.

Party hosts are not necessarily qualified beauty consultants. Beauty activities are carried out for entertainment purposes.

Day Spa Parties reserves the right to use any material such as photographs, videos, comments, letters etc taken at, during and after any event or received from any event. Day Spa Parties reserves the right to use this material for media or promotional use and to publish this material on this or other company websites.

If you or your company would prefer us not to use or publish any material taken related to your event, or would like a photograph or comment removed from this site or other sites we promote our services, please notify Day Spa Parties and we will happily remove it for you.

16106259712 DAY SPA PARTIES. Formerly 70 1503 319 340  J.D MATTHEWS & S.M MATTHEWS

Pamper Parties for Special Occasions, mobile service based in Pakenham located in the Cardinia Shire. Travel Greater Melbourne.